What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed

What direction should Hi Fi Tuning fuses be installed? They have a little arrow and I would think it would point the direction of AC flow but maybe it points to the AC source?? SEEMS to sound better that way. I know someone will say put it the way it sound better but i have 3 fuses here. That is 6 possible ways. Not in the mood for that. The arrow must mean somethuing. What about Furutech? Thoughts welcome. keith
Rok2id, I don't concede any validity to what you said. It is typical EE talk. If a fuse sounds different in one direction than another, science would suggest that find the reason why, not utter the inanity of saying it just cannot be true.
I'm gonna reverse the direction of all the fuses in my rig, listen to it, reverse some of them, reverse the other ones, re-reverse the previously reversed ones, and then return the entire thing to its non reversed state. Allowing for reversal and return burn in, I should finish comparing the results by late August.
I disagree that the sound of live music is not a valid standard for judging a component's or system's sound because of the "influence of personal perception", and as Wolf wittily says : "ear wax and one's hat". Of course there will be much variability from one live situation to another; different venues, different instruments, and different performers. However, there is much that is consistent in the sound of live regardless of situation to allow a valid comparison. It is true that we each perceive sound uniquely due to our own physiology (or hat), but it is important to remember that these will be the same when judging the sound of a component or system, so a valid comparison is valid. That we each "hear differently" as is often pointed out is irrelevant. Unless, of course, if there is some psychological factor that alters our auditory system's characteristics due to the simple knowledge that we are listening to electronics vs live; after all, the Fedora in my closet does have the power to make me feel hipper than not :-) The problem, as I see it, is that most are not very familiar with the sound of live at all.
Al wrote,

"However, I have yet to see a technically defensible explanation of how a fuse would have any "knowledge" of the direction in which power and energy are being conveyed through it."

It's really rather simple. The sound is different depending on the direction of the fuse, any fuse. Therefore, the fuse must "know" which direction the signal, the music signal, the electromagnetic wave, is being conveyed through it. You're mincing words.
