What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed

What direction should Hi Fi Tuning fuses be installed? They have a little arrow and I would think it would point the direction of AC flow but maybe it points to the AC source?? SEEMS to sound better that way. I know someone will say put it the way it sound better but i have 3 fuses here. That is 6 possible ways. Not in the mood for that. The arrow must mean somethuing. What about Furutech? Thoughts welcome. keith
Kiddman wrote,

"Geoff, since there is no net flow, no "direction" of electron travel, then it follows there is no difference in the orientation of a fuse. Have someone change it, or not change it, and you have to identify it. You will see you fail as often as you get it right if the sample size is reasonable."

Kiddman, hi, actually that doesn't follow at all. What you wrote is known in the business as a Strawman Argument, a logical fallacy. The reason your statement is illogical is because the music signal is an electromagnetic wave that's not related to the electrons or the direction the electrons are moving. The musical signal, unlike electrons or current, moves in one direction only in an AC circuit. Follow?
Geoff, the magnetic wave has no net flow....it oscillates back and forth, not in just one direction. THAT is the definition of AC. You have never taken a physics course, electrical engineering course, have you? Or, you would know better.

Knowing what you don't know is an important thing. You have failed to recognize that which you don't know.
Kiddman, what you're not understanding is that the audiophile world is on the cutting edge of physics. Who needs CERN and their super collider when real advances in the understanding of sub-atomic particle behavior can be advanced with a $30k stereo system and listening to the soundstage dimensions of a Diana Krall CD. Knowing what you know you don't know is more important than not knowing what other people think they know, but you know they don't know.
Yes, On Highway 61, I forgot how leading edge the physics is in audio. Nearly all the principles can be learned in freshman year at any of the best engineering universities, so high tech is audio!

Unlike intelligence, which is not much of a personal choice (though IQ can be raised), ignorance is a choice. Google searches bring up texts and university papers in any of the engineering and physics disciplines that relate to audio. But, folks would would rather mouth off and remain stubbornly wrong instead of learn something from those available texts.

"Don't bother me with facts! I have my OPINIONS" seems to be the mantra of so many audio guys (including many "designers" and reviewers).

In racing we used to call this type "bench racers". They talk a big game and it's fun to then see them on the track making fools of themselves. No such accountability in audio, unfortunately.
Kiddman, so you agree with me now that the music is NOT the current and it's NOT the electrons. If the electromagnetic wave - the music - is alternating at 60 Hz I'm pretty sure you would hear it, well, maybe not you specifically. Lol Your next move: "No, it's the voltage that's alternating."