Of course it should be pointed out that once the trigger is pulled to get a hold of an aftermarket fuse the fun has just begun. The reason I say this is because there are so many aftermarket fuses available now, not like the old days when there was just Isoclean and HiFi Tuning. The last time I looked there was at least seven high end fuse manufactures, counting Audio Magic Super Fuse (which I happen to own), AMR, Synergistic Research, Furutech, Isoclean, Audio Horizons and Acme Audio. Have I missed any?
What this means is that the advanced audiophile, who has finally made up his mind to spring for a high end fuse, must now figure out exactly WHICH fuse to spend his hard earned cash on. What we need is some unsuspecting reviewer somewhere to stp up to the plate and evaluate all of the fuse offerings so one can make a decision. Fuses are getting to be as bad as cables. Lol
What this means is that the advanced audiophile, who has finally made up his mind to spring for a high end fuse, must now figure out exactly WHICH fuse to spend his hard earned cash on. What we need is some unsuspecting reviewer somewhere to stp up to the plate and evaluate all of the fuse offerings so one can make a decision. Fuses are getting to be as bad as cables. Lol