What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed

What direction should Hi Fi Tuning fuses be installed? They have a little arrow and I would think it would point the direction of AC flow but maybe it points to the AC source?? SEEMS to sound better that way. I know someone will say put it the way it sound better but i have 3 fuses here. That is 6 possible ways. Not in the mood for that. The arrow must mean somethuing. What about Furutech? Thoughts welcome. keith
Of course it should be pointed out that once the trigger is pulled to get a hold of an aftermarket fuse the fun has just begun. The reason I say this is because there are so many aftermarket fuses available now, not like the old days when there was just Isoclean and HiFi Tuning. The last time I looked there was at least seven high end fuse manufactures, counting Audio Magic Super Fuse (which I happen to own), AMR, Synergistic Research, Furutech, Isoclean, Audio Horizons and Acme Audio. Have I missed any?

What this means is that the advanced audiophile, who has finally made up his mind to spring for a high end fuse, must now figure out exactly WHICH fuse to spend his hard earned cash on. What we need is some unsuspecting reviewer somewhere to stp up to the plate and evaluate all of the fuse offerings so one can make a decision. Fuses are getting to be as bad as cables. Lol
Al wrote,

"If any of those at the believer end of the spectrum wish to comment further, they may want to consider providing a description of what specific steps they took in their assessments of directionality differences to assure that the differences they heard were not the result of extraneous variables. Such as those I described in an earlier post, namely differences in contact integrity, equipment being in different states of warmup, differences in AC line voltages and noise conditions, etc. And note that I have not even mentioned until now the vagaries of aural perception."

Al, excellent point. I actually have no problem whatsoever with double blind testing, which you seem to be proposing, or any other type of test, as scientific and as thorough as you might deem necessary, to get to the bottom of this thing. Of course, having said that, I suspect that none of the naysayers will be jumping into the breech to perform any testing. It's the old pseudo skepticism thing, I guess.
Theaudiotweak wrote,

"How about magnets. Magnets enhance the directionality of ac passing thru them much the same as cryo treatment of metals and conductors enhance and unify the direction of their molecules. Results are better sound. Improved dynamics, lower noise."

Interesting. So, let me get this straight. Are you saying that magnets reverse the direction of current flow or that magnets increase the speed of current or perhaps you mean increase the speed of electrons flowing in the cable? If any if those possibilities are true, how would that improve the sound? And improve the dynamics, and reduce noise?
Mapman, I heard you I get it. You're tired and can't think if anything to contribute. I totally understand. Maybe time to sit this one out. Lol