Go with a tube preamp or not?

Hello everyone, I am interested in purchasing a tube preamp for my system. I am considering replacing the Classe CP 60 I am currently using and am looking for recommendations. The rest of my system is a Denon 3910 with Upgrade Company signature mods, a pair of Aragon Palladium 2 monos also upgraded by Upgrade Company, a pair of Intuitive Design Summits with Path stands and a total of 6 Stillpoints per side. I use a Velodyne DD12 to augment the low end. Cabling is mostly Ridge Street Audio with one pair of Jungson Golden Dragons used between the pre and power amps. the room is about 13.5 by 17.5 with 8 foot ceilings. I listen to a wide range of music including pop, classic rock, heavy metal, contemporary jazz, blues, and funk. Normal listening volume is 80 to 85 db's but occasionally will listen in the range of 90 to 95 db's if the mood strikes me.

I recently got to hear another member's system that has the Summits and uses a very nice tube preamp. I would like to see if I could get some of that tube sound in my system. I am not looking to drastically change the sound of my system, rather just add a touch of warmth. I have no experience with tube gear, so I am looking for help. I have looked at past threads, but am not finding specific enough info.

There are a couple of requirements that I am looking for and a couple of others that would be nice but are not mandatory. First, I want the unit to be remote controlled. It needs to have both balanced and single ended outputs that are active at all times. (My amps are balanced and I am not looking to change them at this time. The amps also have a 44 kohm input impedance.) Home theater pass thru would be nice, but is not mandatory. Same thing for phono capabilities. I am looking in the $1500 range used but could go as high as $2k if the right deal came along. I am not going above the 2k mark. I would need to sell the Classe pre first.

I have looked a little, and offerings from BAT, Audio Research and Conrad Johnson have all gotten my interest. I am sure there are plenty of others that I haven't mentioned. What I don't want to lose that the Classe does well is pacing and dynamic contrast. Any input is appreciated.
Cnsgolf, What is your friend's system?
Inquiring minds want and need `to know!
Also, have you considered a Tube powered
I just added the ModWright 36.5 LS and PS, my first tube. My system just went through the roof. I waited a week and rolled in 1967 GZ34 Mullards and 6H30-DR NOS Cryo. WOW! A much bigger improvement than I ever dreamed of. It is a shame I have been missing out for so long. I would say this is about as good as it gets for me. Running JRDG big SS mono's and Watt/Pups 5.1. I'm done spending $$ for a long time. Go buy tubes! They will change your life I promise.
John has some great advice if you have the funds to have more than one preamp at a time. I would also recommend a CJ - CT6 which you might find for around $2000 used. At that price used it is a very good preamp.
Bob, I didn't mention CJ because the OP said balanced AND unbalanced outputs were a requirement. AFAIK, CJ products are all single ended. Does the CT-6 have balanced outputs?

Happy New Year!!
John, I didn't catch the balanced & single ended requirements, I guess at 57 not only my hearing but eye sight & memory are all shot.

Happy New Years to all!