I'm really enjoying the addition to my system (Legacy Helix, PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC and transport, ARC Ref 3. See my system if interested.)of 1 pair of MDA-300s and 2 KSA-250s. I've listened to KSA 250s at a friends house for years. They provide outstanding bass, a tube like midrange (vibes sound outstanding), and a liquid, unfatiguing, extended treble. I've not listened to the MDA-300s for anything else but bass, (that's what they do in my quad amped sytem) but I did audition them vs. the KSA 250 and liked what the MDA-300s did to the bass (cleaner, more transparent). Amps I've listend to before are Acoustat TNT 200s, Hafler DH-500 and 200s, Threshold, Brystons not the newest versions, Levinson #336, #436s and #33s, Pass Labs (I forget the model), Krell FPB 350 monos (I think that's right), and various amps from ARC. My conclusion, even if I have to do a complete recap or overhaul, which requires sending the amps back to Krell, compared to the new stuff in today's market place, the KSAs are really bargains.
A couple of caveats, heat (they run class A,that's why they sound so good), no linked off/on or warmup switch, sharp heat sinks, and weight.
Hope this helps your decision.