I noticed that the 250 does have balanced capabilities. Something I prefer.
As far as capping... do you mean replacement of the original, possibly drying out, capacitors or are you talking upgraded caps?
Sgr... as far as heat goes I don't believe that will be much of a concern. I've heard of how hot they run. They'll be located in a position where they're by themselves and not in a stand configuration. I was also looking at Parasound's Zbreeze fan for some extra cooling for the Krell. Looks like a pretty nice product.
Sure want to thank all for their expert advice. It so nice to have a-gon to go to for opinions from those who are so knowledgable in this hobby!
I noticed that the 250 does have balanced capabilities. Something I prefer.
As far as capping... do you mean replacement of the original, possibly drying out, capacitors or are you talking upgraded caps?
Sgr... as far as heat goes I don't believe that will be much of a concern. I've heard of how hot they run. They'll be located in a position where they're by themselves and not in a stand configuration. I was also looking at Parasound's Zbreeze fan for some extra cooling for the Krell. Looks like a pretty nice product.
Sure want to thank all for their expert advice. It so nice to have a-gon to go to for opinions from those who are so knowledgable in this hobby!