First Post, Looking to buy Amp& Pre, $7,000

The first thing I'd like to say is "Thank You" to all the people on this forum for their knowledge! I've learned so much from my daily trip to this wonderful site.
The reason that I,like many others I suppose, have not posted before is that I think there are so many people here that have so much more to offer in knowledge and experience than I do. Well..... on to my questions.
My system consists of PSB Synchrony One speakers, A VPI Classic tt with a Dynavector 20XH cart. A Simaudio LP3 phono. Cambridge Azur 840 CD player.
My current amp is a Denon AVR 4806,that also doubles for Home theatre.
My current system sounds very good, But.... I'm wondering how much better could it get? Will new amplification be a huge improvement over what I've got?
I would prefer to buy used because I think I could get more performance for my money.
I listen to Rock,Classic Rock,Blues, and Jazz.
I would prefer a sound that is neutral,but a shade on the warm side. I suffer from tinutus in my right ear.and any high notes that are too dry, or too bright, irritate my ear!
I also need a pre with HT bypass,as I have everything in the same room

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If you are considering an ARC LS26 you should give the ARC SD135 serious consideration as a partner. Absolutely wonderful amp.
Mdp...I used to own the ARC LS26 and then upgraded to the Ref 3 (both in conjunction with the ARC Ref 110 amp) and I can tell you the LS26 is an excellent amp. As to whether the LS26 will work with the JC1s, the output impedance of the LS26 (700ohms through Balanced connections and 350ohms through SE connection) vs. the input impedance of the JC1s @ 100Kohms suggest at least from an impedance matching perspective they should work fine together. Whether they will sound good together is a different story. I would not buy them independent of one another without getting a chance to hear them together.
01-07-10: Tvad
For this reason, I'd suggest an amp that doubles power as impedance is halved. Not sure of the JC1 amps or the Sim Audio amps do this, but it'd be easy for you to check.

JC1s: 400/800/1200 into 8/4/2ohms
Sim i-7: 150/250 into 8/4ohms
I have owned a Denon AVR, and I agree with the comments that you can expect a significant improvement from better amplification. Several posters have suggested Pass Labs, and I think that is a good choice. I have owned two Pass amps, and they fit your description of "neutral, but a shade on the warm side." I have not heard your speakers, but I read JA's review in Stereophile, where he mentioned that...

[The Synchrony One's] superb retrieval of recorded detail was accompanied by a slight lift in the presence region. This was not nearly so much as to add brightness to the balance, but voices were presented as being more forward in the mix.

I mention this because, in my experience, Pass amps could be described the opposite way. Combining the two might therefore result in a nice balance, given the preferences you described. Good luck.