I understand everything you say, but I still feel bad that Roger has to modify HIS stuff (which I'm sure is right on the money to begin with.)
I know if you follow his advice, you will be saved from cable-swapping hell and everything will sound terrific -- it's not that -- I have total faith in Roger (especially because he claims NOT to be an audiophile!!
I am however, disappointed with Esoteric, maybe, because I think (if you haven't yet) you should make contact with them at least once, to determine if there are any internal adjustment to made. Most maufacturers do not spell out ALL possible options and adjustments in their owner's manuals. If you've already tried that, then please ignore my comments. But in my view, the problem is theirs, not Roger's, and they should fix it ;--)
I know if you follow his advice, you will be saved from cable-swapping hell and everything will sound terrific -- it's not that -- I have total faith in Roger (especially because he claims NOT to be an audiophile!!
I am however, disappointed with Esoteric, maybe, because I think (if you haven't yet) you should make contact with them at least once, to determine if there are any internal adjustment to made. Most maufacturers do not spell out ALL possible options and adjustments in their owner's manuals. If you've already tried that, then please ignore my comments. But in my view, the problem is theirs, not Roger's, and they should fix it ;--)