Boy, do I need help

You can see my system posted. I have struggled for over a year with really hard edges on certain piano pieces (actually two specifics) on two CD's and it just told me I had problems. I took the CD's in question to my dealer, who has the same CD player, albeit different system (Ayre MXR/KXR, Dyn C4-I know-no comparison to what I have, but the discs--and the player were fine. I did EVERYTHING (PC, IC, isolation, line conditioners, racks--you name it--) and finally figured out my Esoteric just didn't like my preamp. I just hooked up the CD player to my amp directly (it has a volume control and remote) and problem solved-pure bliss. Here is my problem - CD player now on the floor on a butcher block (on cerapucs) in the middle of the room (actually in front of the amps-worried about housekeeper vacuming)and instead of having my Acaconda PC into my hydra, its into my Richard Gray (and still sounds awesome but expect would sound better into hydra). And, to hear my other sources (which sound great through the preamp) I need to reconnect cables. Would you suggest geting another hydra (I can get away with a '4') and a new three shelf rack (for amps & CD player) (please see photos of room) or shop for another preamp? I respect alot of you guys here, and you have helped me tremendously over the years.

I understand everything you say, but I still feel bad that Roger has to modify HIS stuff (which I'm sure is right on the money to begin with.)

I know if you follow his advice, you will be saved from cable-swapping hell and everything will sound terrific -- it's not that -- I have total faith in Roger (especially because he claims NOT to be an audiophile!!

I am however, disappointed with Esoteric, maybe, because I think (if you haven't yet) you should make contact with them at least once, to determine if there are any internal adjustment to made. Most maufacturers do not spell out ALL possible options and adjustments in their owner's manuals. If you've already tried that, then please ignore my comments. But in my view, the problem is theirs, not Roger's, and they should fix it ;--)

Thanks again. I have heard the Esoteric through many other preamps and none distorted. True, Esoteric is cheating a little as I am sure they are exceeding their published output 2v spec, but it sure sounds good. Really good. I did find that the preamp (actually a Coda) does have an input bandwith problem on the balanced in that, although very rarely, can modulate hot passages on certain digital gear. I don't think anyones fault (or problem-other than mine). System synergy and matching is key. I think we have become spoiled that most gear just matches up but to acheive that pure bliss musical experience takes persistance, time and alot of discipline. I can only imagine how many of us upgrade, abandoning gear that we feel doesn't do it for us, and in reality, it's just an impedence or voltage mismatch. My experience taught me alot. I love my stats but I almost pulled the trigger on new speakers. (Glad I did not as I still don't think I have heard better than Rogers Panels--or amps). I invested thousands on room treatment-as I thought the issue was room related. I got lucky bypassing my preamp and have entered audio nirvana in doing so. I don't mind the journey as now, with all the tweaks I installed (line conditioners, upgraded cables, power cords, isolation footers, etc., etc., I am now experiencing sound I previously dreamed about. Okay, it probably cost me $10,000 but all things I may have eventually done, anyway. I'm quite a hapy guy right now. And Roger is still, well, my audio God.
Only $10,000 ? ;--))
Anyway, if it's OK with Roger, it has to be OK with us, right?

Neil, I actually am having thoughts about having the preamp sent back for the ressitors to be added. Your remark about "desensitizing" made me think. The issue with the Coda (Innersound) is "limited input overhead margin (later increased in subsequent iterations) means that the occasional digital source with an above-standard (>2v) output level may cause input overload distortion when playing peaks in programs of disks that are themselves mastered hot". I am thinking that adding resistors reduces the incoming signal flow, not expand the aforementioned limited input overhead margin". Roger can change the unit to the "later iteraton" (from a 5v mac logic control to the new 15v one used in the newer gear) but he said that would reduce signal to noise ratio. I'm thinking the resisters will, indeed, effect the sound of my CD player, and I'm thinking not in a better way (reduced dynamics)? What are your thoughts on this. The system is sounding amazingly good and I don't want to degrade. Thanks again for all your help, Neil. By the way, you have an awesome system.
Dennis, obviously I don't know the technical design details of either the Esoteric OR the Coda, but my 'audio intuition' tells me something will be compromised; and I think I may have now infected you with that notion! Which is OK, because it leads to deeper thinking. Such as . . . .

. . . . after reading your post, I suddenly had this realization that we'd been talking about an older model preamp!! I know money is (always) an issue, but since you're having compatibility troubles with that earlier unit, perhaps you should simply sell it, and ask Roger if he could give you some consideration on the purchase of his latest. I know for sure he'd send you one to compare directly with the Coda, so what could be better!? My 'audio intuition' further suggests the latest model very likely will NOT present any of these matching problems. In fact, it will probably perform as well, if not better than, your 'direct connection' solution. And you can't sneeze at a lifetime transferable warranty (just remember Roger's new company is a one man operation! ;--)

And thanks for the kind complement! By the way, my Wadia T-2000 transport was Wadia's first transport (ca.1990 @ $7500!) and is in fact an Esoteric (TEAC) w/ a separate power supply and the updated TEAC heavy-duty VRDS disc-clamping mechanism! It still works like a charm after 20 years, although I now have a (relatively recent) Wadia 27 DAC.

The one outrageous update ($950 and worth every penny it turned out -- thank God!) to which I treated myself a couple/three years ago was the purchase of one of Tommy Dzurak's tuned aperature, glass fiber AT&T interconnects [url][/url] I was blown away, but told no one (because I was just too embarrassed about the price!) and I started getting the same comment over and over: "You have the most analog--sounding digital I've ever heard. What is it!?"