The New Jeff Rowland amplifiers ROCK

Just got back from the CES yesterday and saw some of the awesome new lines, I love the new class AB Rowland pieces.
Absolutely wonderful! 925 and 625 AB amplifiers.
Did any one know about this? well thats the place to find out I guess. Hansen had their new speakers with the Tenor monos and they were nice too.

Funny that many companies were not there at the same time.
Rowland went with the AB design since the class D was for the more affordable group. Very nice selection from this long running company.
Braz, considering that the circuit of Corus is largely derived from Criterion and is designed to yield similar performance at a lower price point, it is difficult for me to expect that Corus will exceed the performance of Criterion.

On the subject of the disparecido, no meaningful answer was provided.
Dtanclim, some of the new JRDG products are being shown at the Munich show this weekend. But I believe they are in a static display. I have no reports yet on the sound of Model 925 and Model 625 amps. G.  
Hi Guido, That's disappointing if they're only having a static dsiplay without showcasing the amps sonic capabilities. I'm sure all Rowland fans would be interested to know when the amps would be out to the dealers and hopefully they also do something about their website which has been consistently behind release of their new gear.