I must admit that after reading your post, in response to my admission to listening to the Producers, I went to the garage and grabbed the following albums, steam/Walker Solutions, cleaned them then had a very guilty '80's listening session:
The Power Station
Duran Duran - Rio
The Outfield - Play Deep
The Fixx - Reach the Beach
ahh, it feels good to get that off my chest, I've been feeling so guilty.
I must admit that after reading your post, in response to my admission to listening to the Producers, I went to the garage and grabbed the following albums, steam/Walker Solutions, cleaned them then had a very guilty '80's listening session:
The Power Station
Duran Duran - Rio
The Outfield - Play Deep
The Fixx - Reach the Beach
ahh, it feels good to get that off my chest, I've been feeling so guilty.