As far as the adjudstment to new kit is concerned, I am sure that is true, both for worse and better sound. We have all had the experience, I am sure, of an excellent upgrade, which clearly advances the sound of your system. A week later, you have lost that lift, you hacve adjusted to it and it no longer registers. As an aside, I am sure that this is the reason some are on a perpetual upgrade treadmill. Change, any change, will tend to register as an improvement. That disappears after a while and you need a new fix. I wo'nt bore you with the philosophy and physiology of perception. Suffice it to say, we are hard wired for change in sensory input, not constant inputs.
As for SS/tube, it is one of the perpetual arguments. I like tubes, specifically, my SET amp. If I had to have SS, it wouuld need to be well executed Class A. In general, I find powerful class A/B, SS amps, grainy and fatiguing. Plainly there are exceptions, the Lavardin IT being one.
I think if you asked 100 audiophiles who have used both tubes and SS, a majority would prefer tubes. I do'nt know that, but I suspect that would be the answer.