Tubes vs. solid state.

I just switched back to my ss equipment and can't see how I listened to ss for so many years and thought that I had a good system, maybe the equipment needs to be left on for some time.
But regardless of that, the difference is startling. I know that my tube equipment is not the same degree of excellence as my ss, but now ss sounds lean, thin lifeless. Have my listening priorities changed? One thing I noticed; my listening perception adapts to the sound present in the room. As I write this the sound is improving incremently.
Anyone share the same experience??
I will post as I will continue to listen and notice differences.
Ss is simaudio p-5 w-5, tubes are Cj premier 4 amp and audio experience a2se preamp.
Are there ss preamps that will satisfy or am I smitten by bubes I mean tubes.
Never say never. I have auditioned some very nice equipment, tube and solid state and I can tell you in my humble opinion, that one typically becomes comfortable with certain sound and distortions. The amps are not reproducing the electronic signal 100% perfectly. They are designed to produce a particular sound. But, I have heard the top of the line Audio Research amps, Mark Levinson and Boulder to name a few and I would take anyone anytime. The Boulder Pre and power amp through top Wilson speakers matched or beat anything I have heard before. Tube or otherwise. It was simply wonderful. The Audio Research REF 610T, same. for some reason, the Krells are still too bright to me, can't say why. But, never say never. It comes down to when you hear the real thing and know it, it doesn't matter if it is tube or not. However, some people are solid state religious or tube religious and won't hear about anything else period. I care about the music (and my budget). enjoy the music. life is short. enjoy
Great conversation guys !

I have heard great music out of both, but SS works for me with my current system. SE tubes are the Best of the Genre IMO, but they are usually not enuff to drive the large speakers i always find myself gravitating towards. So for me Tubes will not work in my setup, nothing to do with better or best , more horses for courses.


Great input and discussion on NF and it's effect. very similar effect when comparing digital to analog. why do so many find dragging a diamond nail thru vinyl grooves to sound better ... Technically poor , yet ultimately it is the best for sound, of course with that perfect setup and recording.

Digital with all of it's clever bits and bytes and superior duplicating ability has it flaws , but captures music differently , what it does well it does better than analog and same for analog, hence same for SS and tubes...

Good SS recreates the dynamics, and energy of live music that Tubes can't , tubes recreate the intimacy and nuances of live music that SS can't, while they both do all of the above to some degree, that is there apparent strengths and weakness's IMO.


PS: Ohhh, stay away from SS manufacturers who try to make their equipment sound like tubes , i find those to be the worst of the genre.
Dr Herbert Melcher (famous in the world of neurochemistry) has done some recent studies that show that the more an audio playback system violates human perceptual rules, the more the processing moves from the limbic system to the cerebral cortex.
Provocative position, Ralph. Given the "perceptual rules" and their "violation" I'm left to contemplate whether this explains, to some degree, why "analytical" systems may be described as transparent and "emotionally" engaging systems may be characterized as organic.

I was under the same inpression, but after selling my juicypeach and buying a resolution audio cd50 and connecting it directly to a belles 1 power amp it is amazing the detail I was missing and this setup is not at all harsh sounding, I am truly shocked! because I love the sound of guitar tube amps.
Hi Sam, IME the most transparent systems I have heard are also some of the more relaxed, but of course I have heard many systems wherein 'transparent' equates to 'analytical'.

This has to do with the types of distortion the system makes. If the higher ordered odd harmonics are not being enhanced (distorted), **and** if the system is also lacking on lower ordered distortions, then it will be both transparent and easy going. Believe it or not there really are not very many ways to do that: somehow you have to get rid of distortion without using feedback. It can be done, but those that have accomplished it are few.

I think you are right in the emotionally engaging systems also having an 'organic' quality. IMO music itself has an organic quality- the fullness of reality- and if a stereo is violating basic human perceptual rules there seems to me no way the system will be 'organic', emotional and transparent all at once.