High end tube Preamp under $4k used that competes

with or betters the Cary SLP 05. (is there such a preamp?) Looking for suggestions in a tubed preamp on the used market to go with a solid state amplifier (60k ohm input impedance).

This preamp should have:
1. the bass, heft, weight, solidity of the SLP 05

2. clarity and highs that are crisp and extended/ not rolled off

3. some tube sound/ as opposed to solid state

4. some warmth yet detailed

5. dynamics

It seems through recent and older threads there's some agreement that BAT has some tube (and solid state) bass and weight champs in their stable. There are so many BAT tube preamps it's hard to keep track of which models to consider. What's the one or two that excel in providing clarity, transparency and top to bottom extension; bass weight and some tube sound?
Hello Foster,

You should be able to find a used BAT VK-51se in your price range. Of course this is subjective, but I don't think the sound quality can be matched in the price they sell for used. Good luck and enjoy the search.

Foster_9, I think in your $$$ range the VK-51se would be the one. You should have no problem finding one under your $4K price range.
Thanks guys. What about the reliability of a unit as old as the BAT VK-51se? And heat, does it run hot? Hard on tubes? You can't leave it on after a listening session if you want to preserve those tubes, can you?
The age should not be a problem. Nor does it run hot. FWIW our MP-3 keeps up with it easily and plays deeper bass on account of its direct-coupled output. You can find them used under $4K, so its an option as well.