Best integrated for BW802?

Great site, I've read hundreds of posts, so this is my question: Budget UNDER $7500 for amp/preamp/integrated to run 'oldie but goodie' 802's in my loft. 12' ceiling, big 1200 sq ft space. Mostly play vinyl and listen to weird low powered FM stations. thanks for any suggestions.
McIntosh MA 6600 integrated amp, with perhaps the HD radio tuner option. Two hundred very musical watts, nice features including MM phono and headphones, and great build. It will make your speakers sing, and bring a smile to your face.
Krell S300i or any of the Musical Fidelity top ones, M3, 300, 500,550, 750. I use the M3 myself. The Krell is a giveaway!
The Luxman integrateds are awfully nice and come w/ good phono stages! ...and they look super cool, too!!!
I have a McIntosh ma6900 and it's not bad, but I highly recommend you check out the luxman integrated amps. The class a (550 and 590) integrated are awesome. Not quite as balls to the walls as the McIntosh amps but much much more musical.