Amp to power Triangle Luna speaker

Hi all.
What is a good match used amp in the range $2000 for Triangle Luna speaker? I used my krell fpb200 which I borrowed from my main listening system to power them. Sound came out is good,but I feel it is a little bright for my taste. I am thinking of pairing them with CJ or Mcintosh tube amp. Any suggestions or recommended will be highly appreciated. By the way, this is a second sysyem that I am building up for my vacation home. I had an unused CJ PV12 & Krell KRC-3 on hand for use as preamp. Digital source will be my old time favorite CJ DR1 & DA2b transport and d/a combo for red book CD. Sony 9000es SACD player for high res music. MIT and Kimber cables throught out this system. Thanks.
Grinnel, my friend has Primaluna One. Just like you, I suspect his tube is going bad. I will audition the Primaluna 7 this weekend. My local retailer had several demo and used one. He said I will love it. I also do some research on Unico secondo. It is also very interesting. I will make a trip to NY and hear it for myself.
Finally, I bought the Unison Secondo. It would be a good match for my speaker. My local retailer give me a very good demo discount ($1,500). I also like the tube sound of Primaluna 7 but at $1,500, the Unison Secondo is unbeatable. Can wait to hook it up in my vacation home. Once again, thanks all for your helpfull input. It is a great buying experience.