DCS Puccini into Lamm M 1.2 w/o preamp?

any thoughts about going directly from a DCS Puccini into the Lamm M 1.2 monos? I've read that the Puccini should work pretty good fed directly into a power amp. Currently I'm using a ARC Ref 3 with a pair of Parasound JC 1, planning to substitute the JC 1 with the Lamms to get more body and weight to the sound. Speakers are the Isophon Cassiano with the diamond tweeters.

Last weekend I made some comparisons between running the DCS balanced to the REF3 and then balanced into the Parasound and feeding the Parasounds directly by the DCS (balanced cables have been Straight Wire Crescendo and Virtuoso H).

I was quite astonished about the result: the sound feeding the Parasounds directly by the DCS was even more transparent and "direct". On the other side the sound lost a bit of its midrange warmth and body. However, in my opinion the pros outbalanced the cons.
Completely agree. In my comparison I used the 2V output of the Puccini which worked just fine (at normal listening levels the Puccini's volume control was around -35db and I did not hear any loss of resolution at all).
The lenght between the current pre or in future the DCS and the monos is 10 ft. I think my Straight wire Crscendo should not compromise the sound at all.
Thank you for the information. I also read the reviews in TAS and in 3 or 4 other magazins. All revierws univocally claimed that the Puccini sounded surprisingly good fed directly into the power amps.

I'm looking forward to reading your impressions. What amps are you using?
might be that the Lamm preamp would even better the Ref 3 but unfortunately I'm remote control dependent... ;-)