Tidal Contriva Diacera or Aerial 20T V2

I heard the Aerial 20T V2 I like them, not listen the Tidal
Anyone compare them.
Room size: 8m x 5m x 2.5m.
Viola SS amps/preamp AMR CD77 Player, Elrod Statement IC/PC/SC.
I listen: Jazz / Blues / Rock.

Thanks for all.
All I can say is that you are an ignorant and arrogant twit who expects his money to buy him respect. I am quite comfortable in my real reputation not the one you seek to create to sooth your hurt ego. I have never had a bought opinion but I suspect that you think everyone should bow to your misguided opinions because you are wealthy. Your money cannot buy reputation or support your inflated ego.
nobody will know what i'm talking about...." from the synergistic new tesla line thread...
you said it yourself...
funny, you are the one boasting around about the $2mill you have in the bank ... and yet you are despised by many and loathed by most...
all in all you are a loser!
one more thing to seal my responses to you--- for a washed- out academia-nut with a bruised and infintile ego,whose own faculty members couldn't stand, you have very little to show for ....but bitterness and misery.
LOL, mister egotist. You know nothing about me, obviously. Create what gratifies you, I could care less. At least I contributed to society, unlike you.

I have better things to do than participate in your mindless and unfounded diatribe. Apparently the only good thing that you did in your life was to buy one of the best, if not the best, speakers.
nor do i care to know anything further about you.... thus far ,you are less then impressive, to say the least...
let's recap --- you are, in my opinion a corrupt , unethical,washed out loser who thinks he is the audio -guru of yesteryear, who was digracefully fired from 2 well respected e-zines, manages to step on every toe out there with his maglomaniac and conceded behavior, full of misguided rage and envy .... and if you knew a 1/3rd of what i forgot ,maybe ,maybe, you'd know a little.