Amplifier Experience Gryphon Pass Lamm BAT

After living with a small integrated amp for quite some time (Pathos) I am finally about to take the plunge and buy myself a large power amplifier with a matching preamp. (Speakers are WB Chimeras)

I am focussed mostly on class A amps amd prefer a neutral sound erring on the warm side. After having lived with Pathos for a while I am looking for someting more powerful than most tube amps.

The brands and models I have narrowed it down to are:
- BAT VK52SE+ 2x BAT VK600
- Pass Labs XP-20 + XA160.5 Monos
- Lamm L2 Reference + Lamm M1.2 Reference Monos
- Gryphon Mirage + Antileon Signature Stereo

All models are used or ex-demo equipment I could get a good price on hence if some manufacturers (Krell, mbl etc.) are not included this is because there is either no opportunity or I excluded them for some other reason.

The above are listed according to price I could get them at with the BAT being quite a bit cheaper and the other three being quite close.

I will not be able to compare any of the above in the same room, etc so I would be grateful for any direct experience people have in comparing the above!
Mind you, the $110.000 Audio Note Ongaku amp is only on loan. I would like to consider myself sane as well :-)

BTW - the output tubes are RCA, not WE.
I would like to add Krell Evolution 402 with the Krell evo preamp to that comparison. Somebody strongly recommended it to me and while I never really considered Krell I have not heard it either.

I know there are some negative posts about Krell here and there but are they an alternative to Pass Labs and Gryphon?

Pricewise they certainly cost as much!
Hamburg City,

Speaking of my own experience, I have a deep respect for the 402...I much prefer it to the 300-watt version. I prefer my Gryphon Antileon to both, and find it mates better to my ear in my system which is CJ Act 2 and SF Strads with Zanden DAC. I find the 402 to have tremendous reserves, dynamic punch, and relative to many SS amps, the sound is quite well refined. However, to my ears, I found the Gryphon more refined, more relaxed/organic, more understated and more than a match in dynamics and soundstage. Again, just one person's experience. Hope that helps.

not sure if you had already purchased you choice amps /preamp , but allow me to chip in-- i had the bat 600s and the rex preamp, heard the krell evo combo, and own, very happily i might add ,the gryphon colleseium /mirage combo.
the bat were troublesome to me and broke twice before i got rid of them. the bat's sonics were mediocore at best.
the krell evo combo(forgot which models) was very good! musical , dynamic , but a bit lean in the higher frequencies.
to my ears the gryphons are way ahead of the game , both sonically and looks -wise. they portray muiscal notes very vivdly and accurately.