What is meant by a "fast" pre amp

I have heard a pre amp described as "fast", what does that description mean?
I pride myself on owning a very fast sounding system. Just the other day I was listening to a track on one of my favorite CDs, as soon as the song started, it was over. C'mon folks that is very fast, left me alot of time to do other things. This is not funny but more than likely true. How about amps that weigh 50 lbs or more. By virtue of their sheer weight they are dragging the sound down to a slow pace.

Honestly, good engineering and a short signal path can produce a fast sounding product.
I am pretty ignorant regarding the technical aspects of an amp, but, surely if it sounded faster, that is, if the sounds don't take long for the attack and the decay then a CD with a song length read-out of, say, five minutes exactly would play shorter than five minutes. OK, so this obviously isn't the case, so I am assuming it refers to the length of time for the amp to take the sound/s to a particular sound volume level......does this make sense????......Wait a minute, that doesn't make sense neither - the song would still finish earlier!
I am guessing it has more to do with what Phd refers to as "sounding" faster than actually "being" faster.......the more I think about it the more confused I get. Of course the whole speed thing is totally determined by the RPM of the record or CD. Could "faster" simply be semantic quibbling that could just as easily be referred to as "crisper"?
Sorry if I have confused you even more Brf.