Joule Electra LA 150 MK2 upgrade

Has anyone taken advantage of this newly offered factory upgrade? I would love to hear from anyone who has.
"I prefer "300" but it cost twice more then LA-150SE so for money its no brainer. "

Hello Mike,

Its diminishing return law. The more you invest then less (in percentage) you get but, but, BUT its very indivudual to find this point then "enough is enough". My point was "300". Today, I cannot imagine my system w/Spectron monoblocks and 802D B&W without its magic !

All The Best
Get the LA 300. You will not be sorry. Best damn LS I've ever owned. Bettered all three version of my LA 100, my LA 150 and my LA 150 mk II.

While I too am sitting on the fence on this upgrade, it's really a no brainer for me. If you already own the LA 150 MkII, $1,750 is nothing compared to putting out 14K for the LA 300 (actually the fully balanced LA 450ME would be the one to splurge for, but damn I bet the price for LA 450ME really splits the Wall Street-ers from the Main Street-ers). I really love the sound of the LA-150 Mkll, but to be quite honest, what I really really love about this preamp is the remote. If I were seriously thinking of moving on up to the LA 300, for 14K I would be definitely
looking and listening to several other preamps. The new Berning zotl comes to mind.
Hello Dpe,
Today, all J-E line stages have remote.
$14k for LA-300ME? I doubt, call them and ask for demo or slightly used. Harry pearson should return his from his review etc
LA-150Mk2 now is much different then that of early models. As I understand, the boards are different - one red another black or whatever, again call them...and ask for demo !

All The Best
Hi Rafael,

Yes you're correct Signature Sound sells them for $11,800.

I'm aware that all the Joule preamps have remotes. That's what I love about them, compared to other wonderful preamps I would also consider to be in Joule's (150MkII) league like CAT, TRON or Shindo.

I know what the LA-150MkII sounds like, I own one. The original question was: what's the difference in sound between the 150MkII and the upgrade 150MkII SE?
