04-10-10: Unsound
Shadorne, well done.
The link Atamasphere provided is really worth a look.
Thanks - yes it was very interesting and useful. Please bear in mind that all the experimental results were for "infinite baffles" (no box).
The acoustic suspension is usually the most powerful damping force in a box speaker (until you get below the port resonance in a ported design when it begins to behave like an infinite baffle). This controls whether the speaker will sound "boomy" (underdamped) or "tight" (critically damped) over the designs resonant frequency. In practice it is rare to find a design that is overdamped.
In infinite baffles the amplifier damping along with Qes becomes the dominant factor...and in this case the match with the amplifier is indeed critical as the amp can control the overall system Q to a large degree - to the good or the detriment of the sound.