Looking to upgrade my preamp - suggestions?

My system has been coming along pretty nicely since I started putting it together 2 years ago and I am now thinking about upgrading to a better preamp. I'm looking for opinions about which preamp would go well with my Manley 300b neoclassic amps. The Manleys only have RCA inputs (no balanced inputs).

Here are the amp specs:

I am currently using the Manley Shrimp, which I still think is a good unit for the $$$. I'd like to upgrade however because I think a better preamp would improve the bass, give me a bigger soundstange and also improve my ability to hear further into the music. My system now is a bit laid back - many recordings sound like they are coming from a few feet behind the speakers. I would like a bit more forward presentation. The sound is rather neutral which I like. Not looking for an artificially warm tube sound.

I would like to buy in the used market and I'm fairly flexible on price range - $2000-$3000 or so. I would love to own a Conrad Johnson CT5 (or Ref 3) but at $4500 or so (used) its a rather outsized investment relative to other components in my system. I really built my system around the 300b amps :) In my opinion, past $3k on a preamp I would be better served upgrading my speakers?
Hi Latinsambal, I would rcommend that you try to audition an Audio Valve Eclipse that with the right tubes would give what you want sonicly in your system. For all the details on this great preamp take a look at my review here on the GON. The Eclipse retails for around $4500.00, however you should be able to get a used one or a demo in your price range. Audio Valve gear is built to a very high standard to last forever, so if you go for a used piece or demo it will still perform at a very high level. Good luck.
Hi Teajay,

I will definitely look into it. Another thing that I didn't mention in the first post is that I would prefer to stick with a major brand name (Conrad Johnson, ARC, etc) because I don't want to lose out if I decide to resell/upgrade a year or two from now. I figure if I buy a 2-3 year old CJ or ARC it has hit a "floor value" where I can buy it with little to no depreciation thereafter.

Any opinions on these line stages?

Conrad Johnson ET2
Conrad Johnson 17LS

All of those preamps should fall in my price range if I strike the right deal. I prefer the looks of the CJ preamps but sonics trump looks for me.
I used to own the ARC LS-26 before upgrading to the Ref 3 and i think the LS-26 is the better value for the money as its sonic attributes are oh so close to the Ref 3. It is a mini Ref 3 for all intents and purposes. From what I have read, the LS-25 MkII is the last ARC pre-amp that still has the 6922 tube and is a bit more tubey/euphonic before ARC switched to the very linear and neutral 6H30 tube design. I have not heard the CJ preamps you list above but the CT5 I auditioned once and it was a very nice preamp as well. My guess is you will get good results with any of the above but I can certainly recommend the LS-26 without reservation. The input impedance of your Manley 300B Neoclassic amps is 100Kohms. The output impedance of the ARC LS-26 is 700 ohms balanced and 350 ohms single ended, so no impedance mismatch there. Good luck.
Yes the ARC LS-26 looks very nice and the review I read said something to the same effect (it being very close to a Ref 3 in performance). Another nice feature is that you can select gain in SE for 6,12 or 18db. Looks like low 3s is probably the going rate now on Agon for one.

I wonder if anyone has compared the ET2 against the LS-26? The ET2 can probably be had for $700-800 less on Agon.