Who is using passive preamps and why?

Seldom has there been any discussions on passive preamps in the forums and although my experience with them has been limited I have found them so far to be very enjoyable and refreshingly different. They seem to fall into their own category, somewhere between solid state and tube. Finding a preamp that is satisfing has been difficult. Some active solid state preamps can be very good but they seem to inject grain to some degree in the upper registers and some tube preamps are not too far behind. So far I think they should at least be matched up with an amp that has sufficient gain which is often overlooked. Which passives are you using and with what amp? Why do you like them?
Phd, Unfortunately that would be a least a three day drive for me, but I do have a buddy that lives in the Seattle area. Next time I'm out that direction I'll have to give you a shout.
Anthony, I know what you mean about the RM10MKII, why I had to come back to it. It maybe be in some ways, a greater piece of design than my RM9SEs (5x$$$). Becuase I do think Roger is a genius at this stuff, and he insists that I am crazy to use anything but a passive preamp, I may go there yet again. Herman, thanks for the link.
I am using the Sonic Euphoria PLC simply because it has beaten every 5K and under active preamp I have tried:

Art Audio
Audible Illusions

It is more natural and less electronic sounding than any active I have heard.

Has anyone tried Jeffrey Jackson's designs? I like the retro look. I imagine it has to sound awfully close to the BENT-TAP-x with autoformer. Sonic Euophoria is an autoformer as well, it I remember.
I think I speak for everyone and appreciate the link to Jeffrey Jackson, very interesting concept. Somewhat unconventional, definately not the prettiest looking design but isn't that the kind of gear that usually sounds good!