Balanced Tube Preamps for Nuforce Ref 9SE V3

I am in the beginning stages of looking for a new tube preamp for my system. It will be driving a pair of Nuforce Ref 9SE V3.
Currently have a BAT VK 31SE and sounds quite nice. I want to upgrade with a budget of around $7500. I do want the pre to have balanced in and out capability and a remote control. While the BAT sound is nice, a bit more midrange warmth without sacrificing high frequencies or bass slam is desired.

Front end is a Esoteric SZ-1 feeding a MSB Power DAC (balanced connections) and speakers are Coincident Super Eclipse lll. All JPS superconductor 3 interconnects and speaker cable.
Any input is greatly appreciated!
I use an SLP-05 with my V3's and love the combination. From your description it sounds like a perfect fit for you.
I am using an Audio Horizons pre with Siemans 60's CCa tubes with Nuforce V3SE and like it very much. It is balanced in and out and I think new goes for about 4K fully loaded. reliable with stellar sevice