Amp to compliment Sonic Frontiers pre??


So I am trying out a buddy's Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 pre...kinda liking it alot with the Epos M5i's I have...just have to find the right tube match...I bought a Brimar CV4024 this morning so maybe that'll be the ticket!!

But, in the mean time, can anyone recommend an amp (4ohm capable) to go with the pre?? I am looking for warm, full bodied, maybe rolled off on the top...something to offset the top end brightness of the Epos but still bring out it's beautiful mids!!

Would something like a B&K ST-140 work?? Suggestions?? Comments??

I borrowed his Mitsubishi DA-A10DC which seems to be working good but could have a nicer bottom end LOL!!

Thanks kindly!!!
I'm doing the opposite. I picked up a SF Power 2 amp a few years back. I've recently acquired a VTL 2.5 preamp and like the match. I primarily use a Jolida tube cd player for source. The SF amp leans on the analytical side but with careful matching on speakers, pre, and cd player it can sound very nice. I would think same applies to to your scenario. A friend has B&K pre/amp running Paradigm 9's and for solid state it sounds very musical from my point of view. B&K is not that pricey and built well.
Best wishes

Several years ago I had the Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 in my system. The preamp mates well with an ARC tube amp.

What make and year is the 12AT7 tube in the preamp?
From the factory the preamp came with 2 tubes. One was a 12AT7A (Ei) and the other was a Signature CV4024/M8162, a Mullard tube. The Mullard was the preferred tube for my taste in the preamp. The (Ei) tube caused the preamp to sound more like a SS preamp to me.
The B&K ST-140 does not work well with 4 ohm speakers. You might like Conrad Johnson.
Actually the tube that was in there was an Amperex 6DJ8 A frame...not my cup of tea LOL!!

I put in a Sylvania for now...better but I'm hoping for more of that warm midrange bloom and big bottom well for lower volume listening that I do quite often...that's when I found that Brimar 4024...hopefully that is close...if not then I can search out a Mullard!!

And I thought that B&K was rated at 105wpc into 4?? I don't it going to be an improvement over the Mitsu??

My other option was to go back and buy a Jolida 1501RC...had one a few years ago...sold it and regretted it ever since!!!