Amp to compliment Sonic Frontiers pre??


So I am trying out a buddy's Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 pre...kinda liking it alot with the Epos M5i's I have...just have to find the right tube match...I bought a Brimar CV4024 this morning so maybe that'll be the ticket!!

But, in the mean time, can anyone recommend an amp (4ohm capable) to go with the pre?? I am looking for warm, full bodied, maybe rolled off on the top...something to offset the top end brightness of the Epos but still bring out it's beautiful mids!!

Would something like a B&K ST-140 work?? Suggestions?? Comments??

I borrowed his Mitsubishi DA-A10DC which seems to be working good but could have a nicer bottom end LOL!!

Thanks kindly!!!
Actually the tube that was in there was an Amperex 6DJ8 A frame...not my cup of tea LOL!!
03-28-10: Sideways

Though the pin-out may be the same for a 6DJ8 and a 12AT7 the two tubes are not interchangeable.......



Are you sure the tube was a 6DJ8? The heater voltage on the 6DJ8 is 6.3V and the 12AT7 heater voltage can be configured for 6.3V (heaters paralleled) or 12V (heaters in series).
The tubes application characteristics are different as well.
Hey Jim!!!

Ya I know the two tubes are not interchangeable but inside the pre is a jumper point where you can move to be able to take either tube!!!

It's kind of a sweet setup so one is not limited to a certain variety :)

Many moon ago I had great results matching a SF SFL1 with a Krell KSA100s.

The short story was I was shopping for a SFL1 (my 1st tube gear) and I made the mistake in auditioning it with the Krell at the store. The dealer ask me to take it home for an extended audition and ended up purchasing both. Afterwards he said it was his job :-) I blame him for starting my audiophile addiction :-)

SF preamps have low output impedance so it's work well with most amps.

FYI, I've also had great results matching a SFL-2 and line 3 with Krell FPB300 and FPB600. SF and Krell work well together.