Speaker noise after tube amp shut down

Last night when I shut down my tube amp I have noise in one speaker.
This hapen about 20-30 seconds after I power down my amp and last about 10-20 seconds. Today I experiance same.
What you think happend? Bad tube?
Everithing is find when amp is up and playing!
Thank you!
I doubt a tube sounds more like a capacitor discharging. Does this happen every time or only the one time. How old is the amp?
Last night it hapend same, agan noise from speaker after I powered down amp. Maybe litle louder, I'm not shure.
Amp is 5 years old, heavly moded Jolida 502.
Thank you
Exactly what kind of noise? Pop cracking fading ocean wave? Usually tubes make their aches and pains in the rear known when full power to the grid is present not de-energized.
Im gonna say for an experiment switch the speaker leads to the opposite channels and see if the noise follows to the the corresponding speaker. Lto R R to L This will eliminate the speaker for starters.

Noise is like bzzz ing for about 20 sec.
First after powering amp down speaker is quite for about 20-30 sec and after that start like bzzzzz noise for 15-20 sec.
Thank you!
Well, do the speaker lead swap to eliminate the speaker. If the speakers are eliminated then put the leads back to the correct L & R connections and swap the amplifiers input IC's from the preamp now if the sound is still in the same speaker we have determined it to definitely be an amplifier issue and im gonna say a cap is acting up.

For now I would let the symptoms develop and become more pronounced because I may not rule out a tube completely as a failing tube has a way of playing havoc on other components such as caps,
Go through your tubes with a tester for starters but thats usually a long shot

What kind of power output tubes are we talking about?