Sonic Frontiers - A Score or a Flushing?

I may have scored or I may have flushed $50….

A couple of weeks ago I picked up a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 tube amp at a garage sale for $50.00. It was openly disclosed to me that it did not work and the seller had no idea as to why. So, my question is are there any preliminary tests with a voltage meter (or other instrument) I can use to narrow the problem down?

My hope is that the tubes are bad; my worry is the transformer is bad. But, I don’t know how to make this determination. While I am a handy guy, I am limited in my knowledge of electrical problems. If it is salvageable, I will certainly find a professional to make repairs, but I would really like to make a preliminary determination as locating and lugging it to a shop to tell me
Awful sounding amp in stock form.
Beautiful amp if you know how to convert it to triode.
Best of the best workmanship except for a lousy design
which necessitates sacrificial resistors when a tube starts to runaway (READ: aging 6500C tubes)
it will fry 2 resistors at a time leaving the owner scared.
It's an easy fix.
A replacement fuse, and a few resistors (10 Ohms 1Watt and 5.1 Ohms 0.25 Watt) will do the job if its the common problem most users have.
>Awful sounding amp in stock form.<

I agree wholeheartedly with the above statement. I've never heard it modified in any way, so can't speak to that.

I briefly owned a pair of Power 3s 11 years ago and all they did was heat up the room.
Too bad I didnt know any better at the time to run them as dual power 1s (YES you can pull the tubes and run them at half power)
and I didnt dare mod these things.
I am thoroughly enjoying mine that's converted to triode and fitted with 4 Vcaps.