Hello Philip , Cd player is an Ayre C5mp, DAC is Audio Research's DAC8, there introduced to each other by a Shunyada ZYTRON Python A.E.S. digital interconnect, Power cords are Shunyada Anacondas. Analog rig is a SME 20/12 , Manley Steelhead phono stage, although we moved the analog rig and riggins to are lake spot a short time ago. Amp is a Levinson #532H. There's more info and junk on my System link. I've moved since the pictures were taken and the system has gone threw many changes.
I know what your saying about the X 20, it punches above it's class price wise, and it's a great amp on nearly any level. What swayed me to the KX-R was the way it removed itself from the signal path. A few audiophile friends, remarked that it was like moving ahead several rows at a concert.