12at7 with 12ax7 tubes

Greetings and Happy Easter,

This post has probably been answered before at some point. I have a Symphonies pre V2 that uses three 12ax7 tubes along with a 6x4 rectifier. I wanted to know if I could use a pair of 12at7 tubes for the output section with no ill effects. Thanks to all and good listening.
Yes- and for decades. Guitar, microphone pre, and home audio amps. The AT's are usually slightly less microphonic/noisy, and sometimes it's nice to have less gain in a driver stage. The 6201 tubes are especially nice in that(quietness) regard. I don't have anything presently, that uses the AX family, but not much has changed in tube circuit topography(input/phase splitter/driver stages) in the past 40 years(how long I've been paying attention), outside of the quality of the parts used in construction. I do have a pair of gold pinned, triple mica 6201's, left over from an amp that I was building, if anyone would like to try them(free).
Hi Rodman99999,

Thanks for your added comments. As stated I have replaced a pair of AX for a pair of AT's with no ill effects other than the lower gain. Tell me more about the 6201 tubes as I don't have knowledge about them. Will they work in place of the AX family?
Hi South43- A quote from a tube site: "6201- Usually appears along with 12AT7WA designation (military version) on the same vacuum tube. However, some tube makers made commercial versions of a 6201 as an "industrial" 12AT7. Sylvania made a 6201 vacuum tube in their Gold Brand line, and it came in gold boxes, gold silk screen on the glass, and most had gold plated pins. Amperex's PQ version of the 6201, also known as a E81CC with gold pins usually made in Germany or Holland.. Earlier USA made 6201 as well as the european made 6201 vacuum tubes, often have an extra mica spacer on top. These are also known as "triple mica", and are usually very quiet and well suited for hifi audio applications. Overall, the 6201 is a huge upgrade over a standard 12AT7, and were designed to meet military specs with critical applications." This site has some pics: (https://www.tubeworld.com/12at7.htm)
Hi Rodman99999,

After I posted my question to you I checked on the 6201 tubes and did find the comaprison to the 12AT7. I went back to the Tungsol 12AX7's made for my pre and was pleased with what I heard. Though I thought the Tungsram 12AT7's had better detail it was the gain I missed as you know is less that the 12AX7's. I'm curious as to what the Sylvania would sound like in comparison to the Tungsram tubes I have. Know doubt the gain isssue would rear it's head but----. Have you compared the Sylvanias to any other 12AT7's? I'll be checking back later today.
The ones that I have are actually labelled, 'Telefunken' but were obviously made by someone else(no diamond on the bottom). I never had another tube in the amp, and so- have no valid comparison. The mention of Sylvania's 6201 was part of the quote, and general info, from that site. Sorry if it misled you.