Musical Fidelity fine-tuning service

Own a Tri-Vista 300 integrated amp, I can see several things that can improve this great amp to world class.

Musical Fidelity offers similar service and take it to the extreme, they will install better parts, adjust and match, replace and repair, etc for £599 inc. VAT. Sounds reasonable considering the amount of work involved, but shipping is prohibitly expensive when you have to pay shipping both ways.

Has anyone explored this option or try to mod it yourself to similar effect?
So they didn't put good parts in to begin with? All fun aside it's to rich for me.
guess not, they have to leave room for "improvement" and make more money off us...

the price would be much easier to swallow if they are local. at $920 + shipping to England both way, shipping will cost nearly as much as upgrade cost.

PCX does mods for many brands, wondering if they will mod MF gears for less?
I have a MF A5.5 and just recently blew the fuse on the right channel. When I replaced the fuse, I was noticing how there could be much room for improvement in this eastern factory made amp. The amp does sound good though.

It's too bad they don't have a better system in place for american customers otherwise the MF tune up seems like a pretty good deal if your in the UK.

I'm curious if someone good here in the states can offer the same mods or better for the same price.