Wavac EC-300B - Feedback Request

Are there any Wavac EC-300B owners out there who can share some feedback with me?

Wondering about things like Wavac reliability etc.

Any tips on tube rolling etc.

Would you recommend it to a friend?
Jack Roberts, the critic at Dagogo dot com, has one and comments on it from time to time. You might want to e-mail him, he is a nice person and hears a lot of different stuff.
i am using an md300b amp on an ag duo , some of the worst sounding amp i had heard on these
the guy i got it from says to get different tubes , but stock it sounds shit , its veiled , bass shy and all about midrange , rooled off on top
i am so dissapointed .its not even funny
i have an AG model 3 amp , and to my ears its far far superior
i cannot think of one person that can honestly keep a straight face and tell me it sounds good
however it looks good and seem to be totally silent on a 104 db horn
I have a Wavac EC-300B. It sounds really good. However my speakers are not good to it (Rega Ela - 89db). I hope I can change some day. I am using WE-300b. I would like to try other combinations 300b + 6L6GC.

Hi Rchan, I have a WAVAC EC 300B amplifier and it is a excellent sounding amplifier when matched with efficient speakers.
I have used it with the Avantgarde Duo Omega, Ocellia Calliope & Tannoy Westminster Royal speakers with wonderful results.
The Western Electric and KR 300 B are highly recommended.
Thanks Jason.