I need some amplifier help

I have an Adcom 555 and an Adcom 555II. Right now I am using them to power a pair of B & W DM640. I am using the 555 for the left ch and the 555II for the right ch. Should I keep it this way or change it to one amp for the low end and one amp for the high end? Just wondering because of the fact that the 2 amps are not exactly the same. Also, am I losing a lot of signal splitting the lefts and rights coming out of the preamp and is there any other way of doing it? I split the left to both ch of one amp and the same with the rights. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
First of all the two amplifiers are not identical and should not be used to drive separate channels. The 555II actually has slightly higher gain than the 555.

If I remember right the Adcom GFA-555 is rated at 200 wpc. The B&W DM 640s are rated to handle a maximum of 200 wpc. Your speakers have a sensitivity rating of 91db and will probably play as loud as you would ever want to hear them with a good 35 wpc tube amp with a bigger sound and better dynamics.
Since both amps are rated 200wpc(though the II may have a slightly higher sensitivity); you should be able to get away with it by using the II as the bottom end amp. Having more power than a speaker is rated for is never a problem, as long as you aren't actually using all that power(highly unlikely, with speakers as efficient as yours). Just don't get crazy with the volume control. If you like the result of the experiment: leave it that way. If not: disconnect. What's there to lose?
you could sell your adcoms and go with a good pair of mono blocs.also a change in preamps could be beneficial.not all preamps give you the same rate of gain.
Your speakers have a sensitivity rating of 91db and will probably play as loud as you would ever want to hear them with a good 35 wpc tube amp with a bigger sound and better dynamics

Maybe better sound? But not better dynamics. The B&W's like power and current.

I would use one for the bass the other for the top. Bi-amping this way is absolutely the best way.

Your speaker will sound better bi-amp ( all will ) the only issue you have to be aware of is the load impedance to your Pre-amp. If your pre cannot drive the combined impedance of both amps the sound could be degraded. Cables make a another big difference here because of such, but absolutely the best way to go if done right...