Just got Audible Illusions L1, but it sound harsh

I just got a Audible Illusions L1 preamp to replace my Rotel RC 1070. I can hear it is much more detail, it sounds more forward and bigger sound stage. But I also found it too harsh. Especially in vocal, the "s" sound is very loud and quite alloying. I don't have it in my RC 1070, but at the same time, it doesn't sound as musical. It is just like sing behind a curtain. I don't hear that detail, but also, those annoying "s" sound is "filter" out. Is it a characteristic of this preamp? Is there any thing I can do? I am using a Rotel RB 1080 amp. Should I try another preamp? Or try another amp?
Stereo5, I am a bit confused. I didn't buy it from Art Ferris, and it is already a 6h23neb per the seller. But I may still buy another pair and try. Because last night, I tried another CD, it is the same thing. It is quite bad that I have to use the RCA-XLR cable to use the Rotel internal op-amp "smooth" things out. Let me also try connecting my Blu-ray player directly to the preamp, but I don't think it will solve the problem.
BTW, what do you set for the left and right knob? The manual said I should start by setting it at 12:00. But then if I set it to 12, my main volume know needs to be very low, around 6:30. It seems if I set the left and right know at around 6:00, and the main knob around 8:00, then it is smoother. Is the left and right knob do the same thing as the main knob? It seems it isn't. Thanks.
They are for setting a reference level for each channel. You then use the volume control knob. If your getting too much output with them set at 12, set them at an appropriate level to allow the greatest range for the volume control.

Do you have your CD player connected to the CD input? Try connecting it to one of the aux inputs. You may like the sound better. Also, connect your amp to the Main 2 output and see if you prefer the sound to the Main 1 output.

One thing about Audible Illusions is that they don't use tube rectification but rather solid state rectification. This can and does introduce some grain in the highs. On revealing speakers this can sound somewhat harsh with some music. If I go tube I would insist on an all tube design for a pristine sound. Sometimes a high quality amp can carry a mediocre preamp or vice a versa and smooth things out. Definately try a fresh set of tubes as mentioned above also try different interconnects because that is someting you can do to greatly reduce any harshness.
Now I set the left and right at about 6:00, and the main knob around 8:00. It seems it is better, I don't know why. It seems the harshness becomes more prominent when the main knob is set to very low (close to 6:00).
For another tube, it seems the 6h23neb is agreed as the best choice. So, I will just try another set of 6h23neb?
for the interconnect, any suggestion on the brand, or the material (like copper, silver, copper-silver alloy, cryogenic treated copper, special drawn copper .. etc)?
If I am still not satisfied, I guess I will sell it out and try a all tube, like a Cary SPL-9x