Pass Labs XA30.5 and ModWright KWA150

Has anyone directly compared these two amps, who could describe the differences in sound? Both are said to be among the most "tube-like" SS amps, and are about the same price.
Thanks Tvad for the response. Indeed I was asking on the assumption that the speaker load was not a major factor in the comparison. However, your descriptions of "superiority" and "class of its own" are not really helpful because I am looking for a neutral and detailed account of differences in sonic flavor using various kinds of music.
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I never heard the Modwright but I have heard the XA-30.5 and all I can say it is one sweet amplifier. I heard it through a pair of Salk HT3 which is a very difficult speaker to drive and the Pass handled it effortlessly.

I know Modwright is also great stuff so this would be a hard choice for anyone.

Good luck.
Why not just get a tube amp if you are looking for "tube like" sound?

In my system I was able to directly compare the Pass XA30.5 to Atma-Sphere M-60's and MA-1's and there wasn't a single area that the Pass came out ahead from a sonics perspective. The Pass will come out ahead in being more compatible with a wider range of systems when compared to the similarly priced M-60's.

The Pass amps are excellent and right up there as my favorite ss amps, but I'll take the Atma-Sphere amps every time.


I too had the XA30.5 and M60s at the same time driving Merlin VSMs. The Pass is by far the best SS amp I have ever heard. I kept the Atma-sphere M60s, as it was the best amp I have ever heard driving the Merlins. I have not hear the Modwright, so I have nothing to say about it, but I do get the feeling that the XA30.5 will be remembered as one the very best amps Nelson Pass has ever made, and that says alot.