Mac C220 vs. Cary Audio SLP 98P

I am thinking of selling my Mac C220 to purchase a Cary Audio SLP 98P. I have read and heard nothing but good things about the Cary and what a difference the addition of it has made in some systems. I must stay in the $4000.00 range and wonder if anyone has had the opportunity to hear these wonderful tube preamps, side by side? I have nothing bad to say about my Mac, I am just another obsessive compulsive hi-fi wacko and an looking for a change after about 4 years. Any observations will be welcome.
Thanks Downunder. Fortunately, then, I already have an EAR834P, since I am using low OP carts and am very satisfied with the sound. I did like the MM phono stage on the Mac.
The Cary's phono stage is better than the Mac's, at least on the C2200 that I had. But I have a seperate phono pre now also, since I have a LO cartridge as well.

The VTL is a sweet preamp, but much more expensive. In that price range I would move to the higher end Cary SLP-05 or the ARC Ref3 (sorry, I don't like the new Ref5 as well).
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the Cary is a great piece, but definitely is warm. it has sins of omission than commission if that makes sense---it will not be as detailed as other preamps.

i've owned it twice actually, so very familiar with it. may try a C2200 very soon though. the C2200 from what i gather is a hair warm, but not overtly so.