Basic Preamp - suggestions?

I need a basic preamp. I'd like to buy used and would like to spend under $200. Just looking for some suggestions that I can keep an eye out for. Thanks for the help.
Hi, I currently have an Adcom gtp 500, and an NAD c160.
The NAD has a better phono section. But both nice preamps
I agree with Bobgates - go for the B&K PT3. Tremendous value for that price plus has a tuner.
If you can find a Forte' model 2 pre, that would be an excelent choice! Pure class A, seprate chassis power supply, Nelson Pass designed, has a phono stage built in (tweek-able) and it's built like a tank full metal black chassis! It's quite, low distortion was a steal back in the day @ msrp $1,100, and would be a crime today to pass one up which would sell in your price range today. It's a jewel! Sold mine to a buddie and I'm still amazed at how awsume it sounds thruogh his Rotel amp.
I agree with several of the people who commented here. If you can find a used Superphon Revelation Basic or Revelation Basic Dual Mono, PS Audio 4.5, 4.6 or IVH, or B&K Pro 10 preamp that would be the ticket. A Dyna PAS 2 or PAS 3 is also a killer tube preamp. I believe all of these have phono sections superior to the NAD phono never mentioned what amp you have?