Lamm LL2 tweaks?

After a very long search I decided to upgrade my Rotel preamp to an LL2 Deluxe. This should be a HUGE improvement and I can't wait for the Lamm to get home!!!

As I wait I'm already wondering which tweaks others have found most effective with this unit and would like your input.
- Tube rolling: I've seen several posts stating it does indeed react to this. What should the pecking order be? 12AU7, 6922, 6X4? Which tubes have worked best for you?
- Vibration control?
- Power cord: I've seen a post stating the LL2 is inmune to PC upgrades. Do others agree?
- Tube dampers?
- Which interconnects have worked best for you?
- Other thoughts?

FWIW it will be paired with a McIntosh MC275 with rolled tubes. ICs are cheaper Nordost, and my next weakest link is my CD player, and I will likely add an outboard DAC.

Thank you!
I have Lamm M1.2 hybrid mono blocks & Ayre K-1xe preamp & Wilson Sophias. I have tried many cables, and the absolute best by far have been the Purist Anniversaries. Ridiculously expensive, but the improvements they have brought are hard to believe. The Purist Proteus Provectus Praesto may work nearly as well for less than half the price.

It is possible they may be a little too rich sounding with the MC275s & Lamm preamp, but would not know without trying them.
thanks for your input. Those ICs are indeed expensive compared to the value of my components, but I will keep them in the list.

I'm surprised nobody has chimed in in regards to tube rolling, vibration control, or power cords. Anyone?

Thank you!
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I had the LL2.1 Deluxe in-house for a few months and rolled through several different NOS 6DJ8 family members. I concluded from the impressive results of doing so that, were I to be an LL2 owner, such a swap out would be mandatory. I had no 12AU7s on hand to try but speculate similar result. If you're familiar with the house sound of 6DJ8/6922/7308 brands you know what they do, and likewise that choosing one over the other is a matter of personal taste. Amperex Orange Globes,and Valvos worked very well. Best to my ears were Siemens 7308s (late '60's if I recall) which yielded distinctly improved image specificity and upper octave extension.

Wrt dampers I don't know that their use would be any more or less preamp specific than with any other unit. Herbies' dampers work well.

The Lamm's built in AC filters may mitigate the effect of some power cords. My suggestion is first to learn its character with the stock cord and then experiment. I used a Shunyata Python coming from a Shunyata V-Ray with positive results.

Feed your most used source to the Direct input. I heard it as ever so slightly clearer compared with the Line input.

Congrats on the upgrade - the LL2.1 is a real sweetheart.