Zu speakers with Atma-Sphere M60 amplifiers

I own the latest version of the Atma-Sphere M60 amplifiers. Arriving soon are a pair of Zu Definition speakers. Does anyone here have any experience driving the Definitions with the Atma-Sphere M60 amps. Observations are most welcome. I am given to understand the Definitions are approximately 6 ohms. I'm hopeful this will still work satisfactorily.
I used to own Druids and I auditioned an S30 with them. The sound was excellent, but if you like loud music occasionally, the S30 runs out of steam a little bit early for my tastes. I think 60 watts would be more than enough to blow the roof off with Zu speakers.

For the record, I now run highly modded Infinity RSIIb speakers (power hungry) with 500 WPC monoblocks. There are so many options for great sound...
>>05-10-10: Keithr
as an aside, I have heard the Pass X-30.5 isn't a perfect power match with Definitions as well. perhaps it's related.<<

Very interesting.

First of all, the XA30.5 is a very powerful amplifier. I don't believe you can clip it with a pair of Definitions.

Second, I ran a pair of Definitions with the XA30.5, among other amplifiers, and found the match to be sublime. It actually outperformed a handful of tube amplifiers to my ears.

As always YMMV

Dealer disclaimer
Regarding the use of 60wpc amps (like the Atma-Sphere M-60s), my Druid pair performs very nicely with a pair of Dynaco MKIIIs (re-built and ammended). Overkill, perhaps, but it's like having horsepower under the hood you'll never need. I know, SET refinement in flea power suits some better and there is no point belaboring that.