VAC 301 versus VAC 200 as monoblocks

Has anybody compared VAC Phi 301 stereo with two VAC Phi 200 as monoblocks?

I have a large room with 87 db Avalons and like to listen to full orchestral music.
Do you mean the 150 wpc VAC 300.1 stereo amp?

(Or is there some new VAC amp designated as 301 that I am unaware of?)
I too was wondering this.

I suspect, for about the same $, that running a pair of 200's in mono may slightly outperform a stereo 300.1. However, I have not heard the 200.

If you want the real answer, call Kevin @ VAC. Im sure he'd give you an honest list of the pro's & con's.
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Thanks Barrelchief,
I did talk to Kevin, he leaned towards the 200's in mono. "More vivid but less organic" to paraphrase. I just wondered if any one else has compared the two