Here comes the Dude. What to expect?

I have my new Dude preamp in the Post and coming my way this week. It is my last component buy.

It has been told to me that the Dude had bigger balls than the AR Ref 3/5. Can the Dude keep up and run by some of the better preamps out there? If so what?

Hopefully there are some new Dude owners out there that can pipe in.
C5vette, that is sweet. That beast will take a while to break in due to the cap sizes involved. You are in for a treat. The new chassis looks stellar...keep us posted....
If this sounds like this in less then 24 hours & folks are telling me it will sound that much better 3 weeks from now!!

They ought to sell for alot more!!

I got it yesterday! Paul told me not to listen to it for a day, "let it settle"!! Thats a joke!! Thats like telling an addict, wait for tomorrow the stuff will work better!

I had a signal going through it as soon as I could get it into the system!! I thought it was nice,it sounded OK!! Left it on all night! Woke up this morning & put cd in!! I thougth damm this sounds better then yesterday but didn't want to turn it up too loud the wife was sleeping!! I could tell it was that much more improved!! Got home a little while ago, left DUDE on all day!! It wasnt' my imagination this thing is GREAT!!

I had Lamm L2 I bought it used off AG, it was good but it wasn't built as well as this!!

I had never heard of TRL or the DUDE & I thought it was a stupid name for a pre-amp! What do I know!! lol

I buy & sell here on AG for a few years but hardly ever go into the forums! One day I did & read all the threads about the DUDE & some of the glowing reviews & also of the issues some of the members had!!

I decided to get one!!

This is alot of equipment for the $$!!

You know us guys are about this stuff we buy the hype!!

If some major audio house built something like this it would cost us over 15k!!

Thanks to any of members that answered my emails, while I was in the thought process to make this purchase!!

So Jason, no need for that Charlotte demo? lol. Good decision....keep me posted....