Why aren't new vacuum tubes as good as old ones?

Why aren't new vacuum tubes as good as or better than old ones? Don't we have purer metals? Precision equipment? Why isn't anyone making the highly regarded 7316s?
Lost art. That's why. New stuff can be very good, but will always be different. I wish some of these way-to-damn-rich philanthropists would occasionally pick a dying (beautiful) technology to keep alive (like vacuum tubes back in the 60's-70's) -- rather than the trendy shlock they typically flock to -- in order for future generations to rediscover some of the beauty and knowledge that has been created by our predecessors.
A lotta folks think all tubes sound the same, or essentially the same. Wouldn't vendors selling new tubes be inclined to market their product as being superior to NOS tubes, just like the NOS tube vendors, you know, for the profit to be made? Gosh.....another audiophile debate in progress. As for myself, I'll stick with WWII tubes from Sylvania and Tung Sol. Y'all can divvy up the new stuff. :-)
What price glory? My NOS tubes (two 6SN7GT and a Tung Sol 5u4g rectifier) along with tube dampers set me back as much as the headphone amp. Is that wrong?
Ralph, Have you considered useing the tube company that you told me of, and mentioned here on this thread, as a possible replacement for the tubes you use now as stock tubes in your products?