BAT VK-600 vs Pass XA100.5

Wondering how someone would contrast the qualities of these two amplifiers.
Interesting. The Joule is highly regarded for its bass (at least that was the focus of Harry Pearson’s review in TAS).

I’d love to try a BAT preamp (and hopefully will someday), but somehow I’ve also got the impression (from reading posts here) that it would be darker sounding than the Joule. I could be wrong of course, but like bass, the highs are something that can be problematic with tube preamps so I worry about this.

I thank you for your thoughts.
I am demoing the Joule LA300 right now. It is a very nice preamp. Great microdynamics, and upper midrange. Compared to the Rex, the bass is not as articulate or defined. The Joule goes low, but the quality of the bass is not on par with the BAT. The Rex holds-up better with orchestral pieces. The Joule sounds excellent with smaller ensembles.

I have not made-up my mind as to which I prefer. I kinda want the upper frequencies of the Joule, and the lower frequencies of the BAT...
Hmm, I was hoping the LA300 would be even better in the bass than what I have, so that's disapointing.

I hate tradeoffs. :-)
Yet another thought, Rtn1: Did you switch the output impedence of the LA-300 so that it's at its lower setting? I think you should do this if you're using the Pass amps.