It doesn't seem unreasonable for partners to compromise on the decor in a shared living space, if both parties are contributing to decoration and upkeep of that space. "Suggestions" about changing conspicuous gear might be a red flag, but needn't be, depending on what other compromises are being made. (My GF is admirably tolerant about gear; not inappropriately, since I do the bulk of domestic labor.) Rhapsd's business, what he can live with; always mysterious, from the outside.
I recently auditioned the Dyn C1's. Getting a lot of thump out a tiny box seems to be a central design emphasis; the result may or may not engage you. Goes without saying there's a lot of options at that price point. (Also auditioned the Saphires, which sound nice, and are easy on the eye, but again, lots of options for the price [16k].)
Don't know the Duette's, but Theo's suggestion of sticking with the Wilson sound makes sense. Don't know if they can be had for 5k (pair now listed here at 7100), but maybe that's a point *she* can compromise on!
Northcreek (Lee Taylor cabinets) makes very attractive speakers that are designed for near wall in smaller spaces. I have their Eskas (see my system page); the new Big Kat looks like a lot of speaker for less than 5k (with professionally built boxes with custom veneer). Very high GFAF, I'd say.