Pass Labs X250.5 or X350.5 ?

This would be the last piece of equipment needed and I would like some help in deciding between the 2 of them. What I have now :

- Room size > 40sqm
- Source > EMM Labs CDSAse
- Pre > Pass Labs XP-10
- Speakers > Usher Be-10

I would of course preffer the X250.5 because of the price but if X350.5 will be notably better on my system, I will struggle to get this one !
The X350.5 has 40 watts of pure class A, X250.5 has 15 watts of class A. All things being equal, the x350.5 should sound better. Plus, more total watts if your bass needs extra power.
Usher Be-10 is not that power hungry but I guess better low frequency control can't hurt ! Bass driver would be the Eton 11" (11-584). Sensitivity would be 89db !
Thanks guys. Bought a X250.5. With the difference in price between the 2 I will treat the room for better acoustics !