pass lab owners: can i afford one?

not to buy it - to run it! i just read an old stereophile review of an aleph, and the reviewer said his electric bill went up 40% (gulp) after he got it? can that be right? i have found in the past that the cost of running something involves more than just the rated watts (getting a two hundred dollar increase after running a space heater one winter showed me that). could some pass owners give me an idea of how much of an increase they saw in their electric bills (please not "a lot", in dollars or even a percentage to your best guess). thanx, mike
When I first got my Pass amps, I left them on all the time. The bill promptly went through the roof. When not in use now, I promptly turn them off. Waaay too expensive to leave on all the time.
you would have to be an idiot to leave class A amps on 24/7. I know none of us are guilty of (being) that on this forum, so there should be no issue with affording to run the Pass :)
Don't know about straight class A, but on Pass class A/B amps (e.g., X150.5 etc) there is a standby switch. On standby, which is all the time that you're not using the amp, the current draw is "only a few watts", as advised by Pass . Cost is minimal.
I own the XA160.5's. They are fully powered up about 4 hours/day or 100 hours a month. My bill went up about 25% or $20 per month. I consider this a small price for the sonic benefits of class A amplification.
How do you notice any difference in the cost, with electricity bills rising so fast anyway? At least in the UK, utility bills seem to rise every month. Many amps draw a lot of juice, particularly tube amps. My Tube SET draws 250 watts at rest. I think it is just the price you have to pay for good sound. If you worry about it, get a 70watt Nad integrated.
I do think the idea of running Class A amps 24/7, is frankly insane, particularly with the increasing cost to the environment of accessing that energy, ask anyone living on the Gulf Coast at the moment. I used an Aleph 3 for a few years and found it got on song in about 30 minutes