How do you notice any difference in the cost, with electricity bills rising so fast anyway? At least in the UK, utility bills seem to rise every month. Many amps draw a lot of juice, particularly tube amps. My Tube SET draws 250 watts at rest. I think it is just the price you have to pay for good sound. If you worry about it, get a 70watt Nad integrated.
I do think the idea of running Class A amps 24/7, is frankly insane, particularly with the increasing cost to the environment of accessing that energy, ask anyone living on the Gulf Coast at the moment. I used an Aleph 3 for a few years and found it got on song in about 30 minutes
I do think the idea of running Class A amps 24/7, is frankly insane, particularly with the increasing cost to the environment of accessing that energy, ask anyone living on the Gulf Coast at the moment. I used an Aleph 3 for a few years and found it got on song in about 30 minutes