This thread was not really started about DACs, but I thought I would relate the experience I had pushing music digitally through the Burr Brown 24/96 DACs in my Denon receiver. I dragged my old Toshiba HD-DVD player out of mothballs and used its optical output to pipe digital signal into the receiver, using a cheapo "redfish" plastic toslink cable from Best Buy (sacrilege on this forum?!?). Compared to my 15 year old Yamaha changer, all frequencies sound more extended and detailed. I can hear more of the music. Can't say too much about any improvement in imaging, I think the 685s trade that for neutrality. But anyways, a definite improvement.
We'll have to see what effect the loss of the changer has on my listening tendencies. The Yami changer has been boxed.
We'll have to see what effect the loss of the changer has on my listening tendencies. The Yami changer has been boxed.