Amplifier HUM

About 6 months ago I completed building a pair of AudioNote 300B parallel mono block amps. I love the sound, but hate the hum I'm hearing from 15+ feet away. I have gone over and over the circuit, changed the location of wires, re-soldered many points, and done the usual things such as lift the ground wire, and some unusual things such as purchase a PS Audio Humbuster. NOTHING eliminates the hum, or even reduces it. The hum emanates from the mains transformer, and combines with the speaker to produce a most annoying situation. I am using PHY speakers mounted in an open baffle. I don't seem to be as annoyed when I use a "box" speaker. The PHY has a pizzo tweeter, and I've read that that can upset some transformers, but I've disconnected the tweeter, and the hum persists. Any thoughts will be appreciated. Again, I love this speaker/amp combo, but am about to shelve the amps. Thanks.
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WOW! This makes two of us. I'm pulling my hair out...

I've done everything that I know of. I even had the electric company put a recorder on my incoming electric line to make sure there isn't something strange there.
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It is probably a poorly laminated transformer core. The layers are slightly loose and vibrate. Nothing you can do except try a new transformer.

Can you test amp for DC at the output? This maybe the cause of the speaker hum too? Fix It! because DC will damage your speakers.