Dehavilland 50A has anyone purchased one?

I see there have been a couple of previous posts regarding the 50A or hearing it at the last RMAF, but has anyone actually purchased the 50A? Any thoughts?

I've talked to Kara about the Aries 845, but due to my rather large listening room she suggested that the 50A has a little more authority in the bass and mid-bass and is equally as sweet. I don't know, there's really something special about those 845 tubes.

Thanks for an opinions or insights...
You are quick to criticize others.
Why do you not disclose that YOU are a dealer/tradesperson yourself? (Who does not carry Dehavilland)
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>>06-10-10: Rubinken
You are quick to criticize others.
Why do you not disclose that YOU are a dealer/tradesperson yourself? (Who does not carry Dehavilland)<<

Why would I disclose that I do NOT carry DeHavilland?

You appear a bit confused.

Time to lower the Zoloft dosage.
This is a great thread. I use my name, Sounds Real Audio every time I leave a thread. I can't be clearer then that.

You must take Audiofall's advice and take what he says with a grain of salt, in every regard.
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